  • 的 Fall 2024 graduation application is now available. Students can access it in their 学生的计划 通过主菜单. 的 deadline is midnight on October 11.



Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA)要求参与联邦学生援助计划的高等教育机构向学生披露某些信息. 根据联邦法律,以下信息是作为太阳城官网的学生向您披露的. For additional 信息, including requesting a paper copy of any of the materials, please visit the indicated websites, or 联系 the appropriate office(s) directly.


太阳城官网 website includes 信息 about the following:


Information about Grayson’s Academic 项目 and Student Attainment

有关太阳城官网目前的教育项目和课程描述的信息可在 太阳城官网’s General 目录. This includes 信息 about instructional, 实验室, and other physical facilities that relate to the academic 项目, as well as faculty and other instructional personnel. 学院目录提供与机构/项目认证和批准相关的信息. 的 catalog includes academic terms and their definitions, the list of degrees offered, 而这组课程被称为大学核心课程要求的核心课程. 还提供有关成绩,转学分,成绩单和毕业的重要信息. 了解更多有关 政策和程序 有关学术管治及咨询委员会和学术行政的作用. 这些信息可以在网上查看或打印,或者在招生办公室提供硬拷贝.

Services for 残疾学生

残疾学生服务提供与残疾有关的服务,并提供合理的住宿. 参观 残疾学生 有关为残疾学生提供的服务和资源的更多资料的网页. 这些信息可以在网上获得,也可以通过联系残疾学生服务协调员获得硬拷贝.



Annual Security Report (PDF Download) provides 信息 about alcohol and other drug health risks, drug and alcohol laws and penalties, and campus alcohol and other drug education and counseling resources. 详细信息在太阳城官网年度安全报告中提供. 这份报告可以在网上获得,也可以在大学警察局获得硬拷贝.

Copyright and Illegal Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

太阳城官网非常重视版权法,因此制定了禁止未经授权复制和分发受版权保护的材料的政策, including copyrighted music. Sanctions for violations of these policies include:

  • loss of computing privileges
  • 被大学开除
  • 刑事或民事诉讼

政府资讯科技署亦采取多项技术及程序措施,防止非法下载及分发受版权保护的资料. A summary of these measures, including references to applicable policies, can be found in the 太阳城官网 知识产权使用政策 [CT(本地)]. 本政策的副本可在网上获得,或致电903-415-2591与信息技术部联系.


太阳城官网每年协调消防安全和统计信息的收集和报告以供出版. 这份报告的副本可以从太阳城官网校园警察局获得. 的 Annual Security Report (PDF Download) 可以在网上找到. Detailed 信息 is provided in the 太阳城官网 Annual Security Report (PDF Download). 这份报告可以在网上获得,也可以在大学警察局获得硬拷贝.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy, 校园犯罪统计, Safety 项目 and Services

Information regarding public safety at Grayson is provided in the Annual Security Report (PDF Download). This report includes crime statistics for the previous ten years concerning certain crimes reported to have occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the college; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, 校园. 的 校园警察网页 also includes 信息 about:

  • police and public safety resources
  • 报道犯罪
  • coordination between law enforcement agencies
  • fire and medical emergencies
  • 预防犯罪
  • 受害者支援服务
  • the law and Grayson policies
  • 校园设施
  • 宿舍保安
  • timely warning policy statement
  • the 太阳城官网 Policy on Sexual Harassment
  • the 太阳城官网 Alcohol and Other Drug Policy

Get additional 信息 regarding emergency response and evacuation procedures 在这里. Pursuant to the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, 有关已登记性犯罪者的资料,可浏览 Texas Department of Public Safety website. 要获得安全报告的纸质副本,请致电903-463-8777与校园警察局联系.

Missing Student Notification Procedures

了解 通知程序 当一名住在校内宿舍的学生失踪超过24小时时. 这些信息可以在太阳城官网学生手册中找到,可以在网上获得,也可以在招生办公室获得硬拷贝.

详细信息在太阳城官网年度安全报告中提供. 这份报告可以在网上获得,也可以在大学警察局获得硬拷贝.



  • 查看他们的记录
  • to request amendments to their records
  • to consent to 披露的信息 of personally identifiable 信息
  • and to file complaints with the U.S. 教育部

You can view additional 信息 regarding student rights under FERPA.

太阳城官网将使用电子程序向学生提供通知, 披露的信息, and in directing students to secure websites.

This 信息 is found in the  学生手册(PDF) 并可在网上或在招生办公室获得硬拷贝.

Sexual Assault, Harassment, Coercion

如果大学社区的任何成员是性侵犯的受害者, t在这里 are services available to assist; but first, the individual's safety is of the utmost importance. If you or a member of 校园 is a victim of sexual assault, 请致电903-463-8777与太阳城官网校园警察局联系. For online 信息 please see the see the Grayson Student Handbook (PDF Download) or Annual Security Report (PDF Download). 这些信息可以在网上获得,也可以在大学警察局获得硬拷贝.


阅读以下策略 接种疫苗 for select 项目 and the college’s 细菌性脑膜炎 疫苗接种政策. 这些信息可以在太阳城官网学生手册中找到,可以在网上获得,也可以在招生办公室获得硬拷贝.


获取以下信息 投票 in local, state, and federal elections, including a copy of the 德州选民登记 申请表.

太阳城官网 毕业 and Completion Rates

View the most recent record of graduation data太阳城官网攻读学位、全日制本科生和留校率方面. 这些信息可在网上获得,也可在规划办公室获得硬拷贝, 研究, Assessment and Accreditation.


获取关于 学生群体多样性, including the number of enrolled full-time students by gender, 种族/民族, 以及在太阳城官网获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生人数. 这些信息可以在网上获得,也可以在机构研究办公室获得硬拷贝.

Equity in 体育运动 Disclosure (EAD)

按照 Equity in 体育运动 Disclosure Act (EADE), 有关太阳城官网男女运动项目的信息,请访问美国体育学院.S. 教育部高等教育办公室体育公平披露网站. 的 report includes the number of participants by gender for each team, operating and recruiting expenses, 教练的薪水, 收入, and athletically related student aid. 找到 太阳城官网's Equity in 体育运动 Disclosure on the web or in hard copy available in the 体育运动 Office.


本学院的学生没有义务从学校附属书店购买教科书. 同样的教科书也可以从独立零售商那里买到,包括在线零售商.